By Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat
Taken from idauk.org
First Ten Days of Zul Hijjah
Ibne Abbaas radhiyallahu anhumaa relates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:
“Good deeds performed on other days are not superior to those performed on these (first ten days of Zul Hijjah).” The companions radhiyallahu anhum inquired: “Not even Jihaad?” He replied: “Not even Jihaad, except for that person who goes out putting himself and his wealth in danger and does not return with anything.” (Bukhaari)
Night of ‘Eed
The nights of both ‘Eeds are described in the hadeeth as amongst the great and sacred nights in the Muslim calendar. To remain awake on the nights of ‘Eed and perform ibaadah is a source of great virtue and reward.
Mu’aaz Ibne Jabal radhiyallahu anhu relates that Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:
“Jannah is waajib (incumbent) for those who stay awake with the intention of making ibaadah on the following nights: 8th & 9th, the night of ‘Eedul Adh‘haa (10th of Zul Hijjah), the night of ‘Eedul Fitr and the night of the 15th of Sha’baan.” (Targheeb)
Qurbaani is a practice commanded by Allah:
…so turn in prayer towards your lord and sacrifice (animals). (108:2)
Aa’ishah radhiyallahu anhaa said:
“There is nothing more dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbaani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horns, hair and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open heart. (Tirmizi, Ibne Majah)
Sunnahs on the Day of ‘Eed
1. To rise early.
2. To clean the teeth with miswaak.
3. To have a masnoon bath.
4. To dress in one’s best garments in an Islaamic manner.
5. To use ‘Itr
6. To avoid eating before ‘Eed Salaat
7. To go early for ‘Eed Salaat.
8. To go walking for ‘Eed Salaat.
9. To read the Takbiraat of Tashreeq in a loud voice while going for ‘Eed Salaat.
10. To use different routes to and from the place of ‘Eed Salaat.
11. To eat the meat of Qurbaani (sacrifice) of ones own offering, after the ‘Eedul Adh‘haa salaat.
It is haraam to fast on the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Zul Hijjah, (i.e. ‘Eed day and three days after) and the day of ‘Eedul Fitr.
The Method of ‘Eed Salaat
1. Make niyyah of performing two raka’at waajib of ‘Eedul Adh‘haa behind the imaam with six waajib takbeer.
2. The first takbeer in the first raka’at is the takbeer-e-tahreemah which is followed by three waajib takbeer. Raise your hands to the ears in all four takbeer (saying the takbeer). However, after the first takbeer fold the hands under the naval and read thanaa (subhaanakallaahumma). Thereafter, in the following two takbeer raise the hands up to the ears and drop them on the sides and after the fourth takbeer fold again.
3. The imaam will recite the soorah Faatihah and another soorah and go into rukoo and sajdah etc. as usual.
4. In the second raka’at, after the recitation and before rukoo another three takbeer will be called. In all three takbeer raise the hands to the ears and drop them on the sides and go into rukoo when the fourth takbeer is called.
Four takbeer are said together in each raka’at; at the beginning of the first raka’at and before going into rukoo in the second raka’at. The easy method of remembering when to drop the hands and when to fold is mentioned hereunder:
(a) Remember the following words: Fold, drop, drop, fold, for the first raka’at; drop, drop, drop, rukoo, for the second raka’at.
(b) Or keep the following general rule in mind: when there is something to be recited after a takbeer, the hands should be folded and when nothing is to be recited the hands are to be dropped to the sides.
It is makrooh to offer any Salaat, in the masjid where the ‘Eed Salaat is to be performed, before or after the ‘Eed Salaat. Hence, we should not perform nafl Salaat such as Ishraaq on ‘Eed day.
It is also makrooh to perform any Salaat at home before the ‘Eed Salaat, but it is not makrooh after Salaat.
If anyone missed the ‘Eed Salaat then he cannot offer it individually.
Khutbah after the ‘Eed Salaat is sunnah. However, the listening of the khutbah is waajib.
It is waajib to say the takbeer of tashreeq after the ‘Eedul Adh‘haa, according to some ulamaa; therefore one should recite it after the salaat.
If anyone joins the ‘Eed salaat after the imaam has said the three takbeer in the first raka’at he should say his three takbeer immediately. If he joins while the imaam is in ruku, then if he feels and has strong hope that he will say three takbeer and join the imaam in ruku’ then he should complete the takbeer before going into ruku. Otherwise he should join the imaam in ruku and say the three takbeer instead of the tasbeeh of ruku.
Whilst saying the takbeer in ruku, he should not raise his hands.
If the imaam rises from ruku; before his takbeer are completed, he should also rise with the imaam and his takbeer will be remitted for him.
If anyone missed the first raka’at and joined the imaam in the second raka’at he should say the three takbeer of the the first raka’at after the recitation when he gets up to complete the missed raka’at.
If anyone joined the imaam in the second raka’at after ruku, them he should perform two raka’ats as mentioned above.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Eid ul-Adha
Posted by
Mohammed Choudhury
Millions of Muslims ask forgiveness at Mount `Arafat
Taken from IslamOnline.net & Newspapers, Sun. Dec. 7, 2008
`ARAFAT, Saudi Arabia — A sea of three million white-clad pilgrims flocked on Sunday, December 7, to Mount `Arafat, east of the holy city of Makkah, for the climax of hajj.
"Being here is better than anything I had ever experienced…better than the time I saw my children for the first time," Rawya Mohammad, an Egyptian secretary, told Reuters.
She was one of many who arrived before dawn, some on foot, others on buses and thousands on top of any vehicle they could find.
Chanting "Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik (Here I am answering Your call, O God)," the faithful started at the dawn moving to `Arafat, where Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered his last sermon 14 centuries ago.
Their ascending comes after spending a day of meditation and introspection in the tent city of Mina, marking the start of hajj.
The pilgrims performed shortened Zhuhr and `Asr prayers at the Namirah Mosque and listen to a sermon commemorating that of Prophet Muhammad.
They will spend the whole day on `Arafat supplicating to Allah to forgive their sins and praying for Muslim unity and world peace.
Standing on Mount `Arafat, also known as Jabal al-Rahma (Mountain of Mercy), is the climax of hajj, and pilgrims who fail to make it on time must repeat their hajj in future.
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and is an obligation for all able-bodied, financially capable Muslims at least once in a lifetime.
Muslims who perform hajj properly return to their homes having all their sins washed way as promised by Prophet Muhammad.
Omar Salah, a 38-year-old engineer from Egypt, is happy Allah has chosen him to perform hajj this year.
Omar Salah, a 38-year-old engineer from Egypt, is happy Allah has chosen him to perform hajj this year.
"I feel privileged," he told Reuters.
"This is a reward."
`Arafat rituals end at sunset and pilgrims then move to Muzdalifa for shortened Maghrib and `Isha’ prayers and for a short rest.
They will collect pebbles for stoning of the three pillars symbolizing Satan.
Pilgrims will get for the first time the necessary pebbles in pre-packed bags to spare them the effort of searching for the stones.
A special committee organized the collection, washing and packaging of the pebbles after first obtaining a fatwa permitting the initiative.
Early Monday, December 8, the pilgrims will move back to Mina and mark the beginning of the four-day `Eid Al-Adha, which marks the end of hajj.
Saudi authorities have been implementing tight security measures to assure pilgrims' smooth and safe flow to `Arafat.
"The hospitals have intensive care units, X-ray machines and pharmacies, and will provide specialized treatments for diseases of heart, bones, thorax, abdomen and ENT," health Minister Dr. Hamad Al-Manie said in a statement after inspecting health facilities at `Arafat.
The ministry affirmed that arrangements were in place in all facilities at `Arafat to take care of millions of converging pilgrims.
Three hospitals — Jabal Al-Rahmah, Namirah and Arafat General — have been built in the area with a capacity for 671 beds.
The ministry has also put in place some 24 field hospitals with 4,000 beds, in addition to nearly 140 health centers.
Authorities have also made renovations over the past year to ease the flow of pilgrims inside the Grand Mosque and Jamarat Bridge.
An extra level has been added to the bridge so pilgrims have four platforms from which to throw stones each day.
"This is the first journey I have ever made in my life," Mohammed Abdul Salam, an Egyptian pilgrim, told the Saudi Gazette.
"I was surprised at the great facilities provided by the Saudi government."
Posted by
Mohammed Choudhury
Labels: Hajj
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